Proactive Security Solutions: How To Minimize Risk Up Front

Reactive security solutions come from one-time projects and are initiated in response to a threat. Proactive security solutions focus on overarching goals and is designed to predict and prevent future security risks. Proactive security solutions are superior to reactive measures in every way, from the overall efficacy of your system to the cost-effectiveness of your plan. 

The Problem with Reactive Security Plans

There are many reasons that companies find themselves in a responsive position when it comes to security. The most common causes fall into three categories: cost, timing and scope. For these reasons, too often a company will choose to take a reactive approach when proactivity works better.


Companies with limited budgets may cobble together security components as it costs less— at least as far as the short term goes. However, cost is much higher in the long run because a short-term strategy yields short-term results. Companies will need to invest much more later on to keep their system useful and up-to-date.


Reactive companies tend to focus on immediate results. They will continue to repair items on an as-needed basis, with multiple security vendors all installing and repairing devices in their way. While this approach creates faster results in the short term, it’s also a significant cause of long-term problems.


When a company has the scope of the project already in mind, they may not want to consider other alternatives. However, the best and most cost-effective way to resolve issues in the long term is to step back and look at the company’s overall security goal. This approach often expands the scope of a project and saves money in the process.

Reactive security will cost businesses more in the long run, take longer to manage and result in far more scope creep than proactive protection. The best way to avoid this is to work with a proactive security integrator from the beginning.

Choosing a Proactive Security Solution Integrator

Being reactive can become a cycle. When the focus is on putting out fires, there’s never a chance to sit down and measure how to upgrade a system to avoid future problems. If this sounds familiar, it is time to look for a company who can do the work for you. Seek out an integrator who:

  • Focuses on training. Training is a critical part of any security program. About 95% of false alarms occur from human error. Choose a security partner who makes education a primary focus to avoid this.
  • Makes design central. A design plan should not come from a salesperson. It should come from an engineer who understands the importance of security integration. Often when an inexperienced salesperson or procurement professional develops a systems, they end up with delays due to incorrect or missing parts. Every system should start with a design from an experienced and certified engineer.
  • Builds scalable systems. A good integrator will look at the risk areas and consider how these interact with any existing security system technologies.
  • Communicates consistently. Communication while the project is in motion is vital. Experienced integrators should share information every single step of the way.

When contacting a security integrator, make sure they offer a proactive solution, so you never have to deal with the same problem again. Proactive security solutions save time, money and ultimately work better, which is why they are the solutions you should choose.

At 3Sixty Integrated, our mission is proactivity. We create systems that will protect you not just tomorrow, but years down the road. To ensure your technology is best prepared to support you for the life of your business, call (210) 545-1770 or fill out our contact form.